University of Houston Middle School Speech and Debate Tournament
October 2012

University of Houston Middle School Speech and Debate Tournament

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Best School Award: BC Forensic League

Team Placing

3rd Place: Jenny Jung & Alex Oh

Quarter-Finalist: June Kim & Gabe Jeon

Quarter-Finalist: William Lee & Nicole Kim

Speaker Placing

1st Place: Jenny Jung

4th Place: June Kim

5th Place: Nicole Kim

Individual Events

1st Place: June Kim - Dramatic Interpretation

1st Place: June Kim - Audition

1st Place: William Lee - Religious Text

2nd Place: Jenny Jung - Audition

2nd Place: Jenny Jung - Religious Text

2nd Place: Christy Lee - Declamation

3rd Place: Nicole Kim - Audition

3rd Place: Jenny Jung - TV Commercial

3rd Place: Seojin Lee - Religious Text

3rd Place: Rex Choi - Declamation

4th Place: Jenny Jung - Dramatic Interpretation

4th Place: Christy Lee - Audition

4th Place: Christy lee - Religious Text

4th Place: Nicole Kim - Storytelling

4th Place: Sam Lee - Declamation

4th Place: Vincent kang - Oration

5th Place: William Lee - Dramatic Interpretation

6th Place: Harrison Kim - Oration

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